Body & Space is a fashion show presented by the Fashion & Design Society and the School of Architecture. This show is part of a larger discourse amongst the intersections of body, clothing, and space. This digital showcase, featuring over 30 pieces by student designers, challenges the viewer to consider how a garment changes meaning in different spaces. This video format fashion show was produced during the challenges of Covid-19. Using small teams of 3 (designer, model & videographer) we were able to capture 22 models in 22 different locations to show the juxtaposition of the garment alone and a garment in context. This project came to fruition after continuing the discussion of what a black hoodie means on different bodies and in different spaces. The idea that context is everything when it comes to art and fashion. This show was later exhibited at the Everson Museum at Syracuse.
Body & Space: Fashion Show
Collaboration Fashion Show with SYR Architecture Students x FADS. Spring 2020. Exhibited at the Everson Museum, Syracuse.